
While Airplay and Cast utilize a single TV, Pixo lets you share your photos on multiple TVs around the world under the same plan. With Pixo, you can display personal photos, art, or other collections on any TV, and it works on both iOS and Android, offering a unique digital photo frame family-sharing experience and making it the best digital photo-sharing frame for universal participation.

If you’ve ever wondered how to show photos on TV, Pixo is your answer! The Pixo app makes sharing and displaying photos on any TV a breeze. You can showcase albums from your phone or social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Google Photos, and Flickr.

You will need to download two apps: one for your smart TV(s) and one for your mobile device. Once you install both apps, your TV(s) become giant digital photo frames, and the Pixo app on your mobile device becomes the place for you to create and control your image-display experience.

Absolutely! You simply install the PIXO TV app from your TV app store and install the Pixo mobile app on your iOS or Android device. After you have both apps, launch the TV app and mobile app, then follow the onscreen instructions.

Displaying your photos on TV with Pixo is super simple. Make sure you have both the Pixo TV app and the Pixo mobile app. The Pixo TV app has to be running on your TV, and you must connect that TV to the mobile app by selecting CONNECT A TV, located in the mobile app menu (tap the three horizontal lines in the upper-left corner of your screen).

Once you have made the connection, simply navigate to MY ALBUMS or COMMUNITY in the mobile app. When you see a photo you like, just tap the PLAY icon. For those with multiple Pixo TVs, you’ll notice a drop-down at the top center of the main screen where you can choose which TV to use. (This only appears if you have more than one TV.)

Using Pixo and sending pictures is free. You are only charged a small subscription fee for each TV (or other display) you use. There are different pricing options, and those can be seen here.

Yes! Just about any screen can be a Pixo. If you already have a smart TV, Amazon Fire Tablet, or an Android Tablet, just search for Pixo in the app store. If you’re wondering about displaying Google Photos on Fire TV, or using an older TV, just get a Fire Stick or Roku and plug it into the HDMI. It’s easy and inexpensive to turn any screen in your home into a Pixo.

Pixo can access a number of photo sources, including Apple Photo Albums, Facebook Albums, Flickr Albums, Google Photo Albums, and your Instagram Feed. If your photos are only on your desktop, we recommend putting the photos you wish to display in Flickr or Google photo albums. Once this step is taken turn on the appropriate PHOTO SOURCE on your Pixo mobile app located in the menu section.

TV App

Yes! Just about any screen can be a Pixo. If you already have a Smart TV, Amazon Fire Tablet, or an Android Tablet, just search for Pixo in the app store. If you have an older TV, simply get a Firestick or Roku and plug it into the HDMI. It’s easy and inexpensive to turn any screen in your home into a Pixo!

To remove a TV go to the dashboard screen in the Pixo app. Make sure that the name of the TV you want to remove is displayed at the top. Tap the DISPLAY SETTINGS gear icon (⚙) at the bottom of the screen.  Scroll to the bottom of the page and tap REMOVE TV.

Yes. Pixo uses common buttons found on most TV remotes.  Use the right arrow key ➡️ to advance to the next photo.  Use the left arrow key ⬅️ to view the previous photo.  You can pause the slideshow by pressing the play/pause button ⏯️. You can resume the slideshow by pressing the button again.  See a photo you like?  Tap the up arrow ⬆️ and the photo will be added to the Favorites album.  Change your mind? Tape the down arrow ⬇️ to unfavorite the photo.

Yes. Swipe left to advance to the next photo.  Swipe right to view the previous photo.  You can pause the slideshow by tapping the screen. You can resume the slideshow by tapping again.  See a photo you like?  Swipe up and the photo will be added to the Favorites album.  Change your mind? Swipe down to unfavorite the photo.

Pixo requires two apps. The Android mobile app (Pixo – TV Photo Display) allows the user to manage their Pixo on an Android phone or tablet. The Android TV app (Pixo TV) is downloaded to the Android device that will display the photos. This display device can be any Android TV device including Sony TV, Android TV or Android tablet.

Mobile App

Absolutely. You can get pictures from social media and photo storage sites like Google Photos, Facebook, Instagram, and Flickr. Connect any of these by going to SOURCES (under the ☰ menu in the upper left) in the Pixo app.

The great thing about Pixo is that you can manage what’s on display from anywhere. Want to set up a Pixo in your parents’ home and showcase pictures of the kids? No problem. Want to set up a Pixo in the office and control it from home? Can do. You can control as many screens as you like from anywhere.

Totally. Share an album from your photos app on IOS and photos gallery on Android.

Public albums are picture collections created by members of the Pixo Community. Public albums allow Pixo members to express their unique point of view for the world to see. There’s an ever-growing collection of public albums to choose, from art and nature to sports and inspiration. Public albums can help set a mood, allow you to explore the world, or just enjoy beautiful images curated by people from around the world.

The easiest way to send a picture instantly from your phone is to enable the share extension in your settings. Just as you would send a picture via text or email, you can enable your phone to send a picture directly to Pixo. Whenever you send a picture directly from your camera, it will be added to the “Instant View” album.

The “Instant View” album will instantly store pictures that have been sent to your Pixo from your mobile device. While photos sent this way are shown “instantly” in place of other photos that are playing, they are stored long-term in the “Instant View” album – that way you can stop other albums that may be playing and view “instantly sent” pictures on their own.

Yes, it’s very easy to share whatever you want with other Pixo users. If they do not have a Pixo, tap the “INVITE” button, and you can invite others by selecting their phone, text, or email contact. They will be sent an invitation to download the Pixo app for free and view your album, or set up their own Pixo.

If you manage more than one screen, select the display that you would like to control from the drop-down menu at the top center of the main screen. Then browse your albums and tap the PLAY icon on the one that you would like to add.

You can view all of the albums that are currently playing on this screen by tapping NOW PLAYING on the bottom left of the screen.

Edit any of your albums just as you normally do in the location where the albums exist, such as in the Photos app on iOS, the Galleries app on Android, Google Photos, or wherever else your photos are stored. Pixo will automatically sync with your albums wherever they are.

Pixo has always been about photos. We love photos! Pure and simple. Because we’ve had requests for video, though, it’s something we’re thinking about. There’s a lot to consider when adding video. So, no video yet. But stay tuned. We may support video in the future.

The Pixo mobile app works in the background to keep your camera roll albums that are currently being played synchronized so that the latest photos can be displayed on your TV.  If you add photos and do not see them being displayed on your TV go into the Pixo mobile app and tap REFRESH ALBUMS.

Occasionally with very large albums you may need to launch the Pixo mobile app so that the initial synchronization of any albums being played can complete.

When limited access is selected, Apple does not make albums available to the Pixo app.  To change to full access open the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad. Scroll down and tap Privacy & Security and then choose Photos. You will see a list of apps that have access to your Photos library. Tap Pixo and select Full Access. When you return to the Pixo app your albums will be displayed.

  1. Go into the Fire TV Settings
  2. Go to Preferences
  3. Go to Data Usage Monitoring
  4. Turn the Still Watching preference to OFF

This will stop the FireTV from switching to the home screen and putting the device to sleep.

We are sorry to see you leave, but we appreciate your giving Pixo a try!

You only have to cancel if you connected a TV, used your 14-day free trial, and then went to the Apple or Google store to subscribe. The 14-day free trial begins upon connecting your TV. At the end of the 14 days, you can choose to subscribe if you want to continue using Pixo. There is no subscription auto-renewal at the end of the 14 days, so there is nothing to cancel if you haven’t subscribed.

If you did subscribe, you would have been required to authorize Apple or Google to charge your account. So there is now an auto-renewal to cancel.

To cancel that auto-renewal, access the menu at the top left of the Pixo app screen and go to SUBSCRIPTIONS to cancel. It will then take you to the Apple or Google store, where you can cancel that subscription.

To completely delete your account, sign in on your mobile app. Then, select the menu (☰) at the upper left. Click on VIEW PROFILE. Next, tap the EDIT box at the upper right. On this page, at the bottom right, you will see DELETE ACCOUNT. We appreciate your giving Pixo a try!

Digital Signage

Pixo Digital Signage offers 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 20, 30 and 40 TV plans.

Yes. Make sure that the name of the TV you want to change is displayed at the top. Tap the DISPLAY SETTINGS gear icon at the bottom of the screen. You can then select which ORIENTATION you prefer.